What Percentage of Marriages End in Divorce?
Like many things, marriage trends often change through the years. These days, anecdotal reports actually suggest that fewer people are getting married, which would mean fewer are getting divorced.
Regardless, divorce remains one of the most painful experiences most adults ever face. Even if divorce rates are low right now, ending a marriage can still cause distress and trauma for everyone involved.
U.S. Divorce Rates
The United States is in a three-way tie with two nations (Kazakhstan and Sweden) for the ninth-highest divorce rate in the world as of 2024, putting it above over 100 other countries on the list. Georgia maintains the highest divorce rate in the world, while Slovenia holds the lowest.
Of course, the U.S.’s divorce rate doesn’t provide a full picture of marriage and separation. The official divorce rate is based on the total population, not on the total number of marriages. Looking at the number of marriages compared to the number of divorces may provide better insight.
According to the American Psychological Association, 2,065,905 marriages were reported across 45 states in 2022, along with 673,989 divorces and annulments. That comes out to a rate of about six out of every 1,000 people ending a marriage.
It’s often said that about half of all U.S. marriages end in divorce, but only around 43% of first marriages are dissolved. There’s a higher divorce rate among those who marry more than once, though, with around 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages ending in divorce.
Divorce Rates in South Carolina
South Carolinians may be pleased to know that the state’s divorce rate has remained fairly steady, according to statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau. The Palmetto State reports the 24th highest divorce rate in the country, placing it just slightly above half of the country.
Why Do People Get Divorced?
Married people encounter many challenges that single people don’t. Staying in a committed, satisfying relationship while keeping up with the constant demands of work, home, and family is difficult, to say the least.
Just as is true of general marriage trends, the reasons why married couples split up have changed throughout the years. Changes in divorce law can also influence why, how, and when people dissolve their unions.
A survey revealed that the top reasons for divorce in the U.S. include the following:
- Religious differences
- Domestic violence
- Marrying too young
- Infidelity
- Conflict
- Lack of commitment
- Inequality between partners
- Inadequate preparation for marriage
- Conflict about domestic work
- Lack of family support
- Financial problems
Of these issues, a lack of commitment, conflict, and infidelity caused the most divorces.
When Do People Get Divorced?
The shock of learning that a long marriage has come undone may be partly because most divorces happen within the first five years of marriage. However, the number of people getting divorced past the age of 50 is on the rise.
Divorces at older ages bring special considerations, as making such a pivotal transition at such a point in one’s life can lead to depression and other mental health concerns.
Is It Time To Speak With a Divorce Lawyer?
Many couples want to end their marriages amicably and don’t want to involve lawyers. Be that as it may, working with a lawyer can help couples avoid feelings of animosity and focus on important issues like child custody and protecting assets for the future.
Ultimately, though marriage and divorce rates may fluctuate through the years, every divorce is painful for those experiencing it in one way or another.
Contact An Experienced Family Law Attorney at Minor Law Divorce Lawyers Can Help. Contact Us at (803) 504-0971
To learn more and get the help you deserve, please contact a family law lawyer at Minor Law Divorce Lawyers in Rock Hill, SC or contact us online today.
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Minor Law Divorce Lawyers
1273 Ebenezer Rd, Suite B,
Rock Hill, SC 29732
(803) 504-0971