How Much Is the Average Monthly South Carolina Child Support Payment?

South Carolina uses standard child support guidelines to calculate the parents’ base child support obligation. The minimum is $100 per month, and the obligation is based on both parents’ combined adjusted monthly income and the number of children to be supported. The closest to an average monthly South Carolina child support payment is to use… read more

Why Do I Have to Pay Child Support if I Share 50/50 Custody?

It’s a common misconception that there is no child support when parents share physical custody equally. In South Carolina, child support obligations are determined by various factors, not just custody. Even if you share 50/50 custody of your children, you may still be required to pay child support. Understanding the reasons behind this can help… read more

When Your Ex Refuses To Pay Child Support: Dos and Don’ts 

Child support is a financial payment from one parent to another. However, some people are resentful that they have to pay child support and might refuse to pay it. In other situations, a parent may encounter financial difficulties and have trouble keeping up with their obligation.  In either situation, there are steps that the recipient… read more

Do I Have to Pay Child Support With 50-50 Custody in Rock Hill, SC?

Child custody and support arrangements often bring about a multitude of questions. Some of the most common issues arising in a divorce case relate to child support and custody decisions. One may wonder how child support works when parents share 50-50 custody. In this guide, we will delve into the specifics of child support obligations… read more