Getting a Marriage Annulled in South Carolina

Divorce is the most common way to end a marriage in South Carolina. The state allows for no-fault divorce, but it requires that the spouses live separately and apart for at least one year.  However, some marriages might qualify for an annulment as another way to end a marriage. An annulment might be preferred in… read more

How Does a Family Court Determine if a Parent Is Unfit in South Carolina?

The fitness of a parent to raise a child is an obvious issue in child custody conflicts. Family courts often run into his issue during or after an acrimonious divorce. Under South Carolina family law, one legal standard reigns supreme over all others, which is the ”best interests of the child.”  In extreme cases, a… read more

10 Risk Factors For Divorce

Any marriage has the potential to end in divorce, but data shows that divorcing couples often share commonalities that range from fancy weddings to infidelity. With that said, if you’re considering a divorce, it is a good idea to pause and consider whether your issues with your spouse are fixable. If not, your safest first… read more

How To Find The Right Divorce Lawyer

If you’re considering separating from your spouse, your first step should be to consult a divorce lawyer. Divorcing couples often start out thinking they can come to an agreement without having to take on the expense of lawyers. However, that often proves to be a mistake.  Not all Rock Hill divorce attorneys are created equal…. read more