How Can a Father Get Full Custody of Their Child?

Child custody refers to assigning parental rights because of a divorce or when the parents are otherwise not together. The general presumption is that children benefit from a close and ongoing relationship with both parents. Therefore, parents are encouraged to develop parenting plans and custody agreements that allow both of them to be active participants… read more

Child Custody Laws for Grandparents in South Carolina

Grandparents often play a vital role in their grandchildren’s lives. In some cases, they are the primary caretakers. Millions of grandparents are raising their grandchildren in the United States or have their grandchildren living with them.  What happens if grandparents are suddenly cut off from their grandchildren or their grandchildren are being mistreated? Do grandparents… read more

Child Custody on Halloween

Halloween is an exciting time for children. What is better than dressing up to receive free candy? However, child custody on Halloween can be challenging. Parents must balance their desire to spend Halloween with their children and their children’s well-being. That could be difficult if you and your ex-partner do not get along. However, maintaining… read more

Unmarried Parents and Child Custody: Who Gets the Kids After a Split in Rock Hill?

When unmarried parents part ways, the big question often is: who gets the kids? Unlike married couples, unmarried parents don’t have the built-in legal structure of divorce to guide them. Getting a handle on child custody rules in South Carolina can clear up any confusion. Legal Rights for Unmarried Parents When married couples have children,… read more

The Pros and Cons of Shared Child Custody: What You Need To Know Before Making a Decision

Deciding on child custody matters is the most difficult part of many divorce cases. All good parents want to support their children as their families go through such major transitions, but not all agree on what’s best for them.  Shared custody may seem like the ideal solution to maintain parent-child relationships, but several factors must… read more

What Is a Custodial Parent? 

The custodial parent is the parent the child lives with most of the time. Even when parents have joint custody, a child typically lives with one parent who is the custodial parent. The other parent or non-custodial parent has scheduled visitation. Generally, having a primary residence provides stability and continuity for a child. Moving a… read more

The Different Types of Child Custody, Explained

Child-related matters can be challenging to navigate, especially when they involve where your child will live and which parent controls decision-making. Determinations made during these matters can have a lifelong impact on your child and, therefore, require much care and consideration. It’s important to understand what child custody entails and the different types there are…. read more

What’s the Difference Between Legal Custody and Physical Custody?

Custody refers to the physical control over another person. In family law, child custody grants a parent legal and physical control over a minor child.  Custody issues often arise during divorce and separation. In South Carolina, the courts may grant sole, joint, or divided custody legal and/or physical custody, in this blog we explain the… read more

How To Request a Psychological Evaluation in Your Child Custody Case

About one in five adults in the United States have a mental illness. Most adults manage their mental health conditions with medications, therapies, and other strategies. However, when mental health conditions cause negative consequences for other people in a parent’s life, the court may order a psychological evaluation in a child custody case.  South Carolina… read more

How Does a Family Court Determine if a Parent Is Unfit in South Carolina?

The fitness of a parent to raise a child is an obvious issue in child custody conflicts. Family courts often run into his issue during or after an acrimonious divorce. Under South Carolina family law, one legal standard reigns supreme over all others, which is the ”best interests of the child.”  In extreme cases, a… read more